domingo, 4 de noviembre de 2012

Halloween 2012-2013

In CBM Sagrado Corazon School Children in Year 1 and 2 celebrated Halloween!We worked hard in the classroom and we had a Halloween Party too! Watch some videos and have fun!you can watch photos in my blog: (En el CBM sagrado Corazón los niños de 1º y 2º celebraron Halloween.Trabajamos mucho en clase y ¡tuvimos una fiesta de Halloween también!¡Mira algunos videos y diviértete!Puedes ver fotos en my blog: Javier´s mum tell us a story.What fun!( la mamá de Javier nos cuenta un cuento.¡Qué divertido!)

domingo, 28 de octubre de 2012

Dancing for Halloween Party !

You can see children in year 1 and 2 dancing and singing a song for our Halloween School Party.What fun!(Podéis ver a los niños/as de 1º y 2º de Primaria bailando y cantando una canción para la fiesta de Halloween de nuestra escuela.¡Qué divertido!)

jueves, 25 de octubre de 2012

My senses by children in year 1

The Children in Year 1 are talking about five senses.(Los niños de 1º hablan sobre los cinco sentidos) We investigated about senses.(Investigamos sobre los sentidos)

miércoles, 24 de octubre de 2012

Remember:skeleton and bones..A Speaking Test.

(Podéis ver a algunos niños de 2º de Primaria haciendo el control oral sobre el esqueleto).

lunes, 15 de octubre de 2012

This is my school by children in year 1

Mario is the teacher now.Pupils listen and repeat everything. Ahora Mario es el Profesor,los alumnos escuchan y repiten todo.

jueves, 4 de octubre de 2012

A skeleton( my body)

This is a skeleton.A skeleton is made of bones.Bones are hard and rigid. A skull is a head bone. The ribs and spine are in your torso.

Daily routines

CHILDREN IN YEAR 1 learn about routines and sing a song.

miércoles, 3 de octubre de 2012

Days of the week

CHILDREN IN YEAR 1 sing a song about the days of the week .What fun!

lunes, 1 de octubre de 2012

Bones and the skeleton

My Body: Bones; Your body has a skeleton inside. The skeleton supports your body. The skeleton is made of bones. Bones are hard and rigid. The skull is your head bone. The ribs and spine are in your torso.

The skeleton dance

jueves, 13 de septiembre de 2012

Back to school!

Hello children! Welcome to school! it´s time to work...we´ll learn lots of things this course so that you must study hard,do your homework and be good.Now enjoy yourself!
This is the way we go to school, go to school,
go to school,
This is the way we go to school so early in the morning!

This is the way we dress ourselves, dress ourselves,
dress ourselves,
This is the way we dress ourselves so early in the morning!

This is the way we wash our hands, wash our hands,
wash our hands,
This is way we wash our hands so early in the morning!

This is the way we brush our teeth, brush our teeth,
brush our teeth,
This is the way we brush our teeth so early in the morning!

This is the way we carry our books, carry our books,
carry our books,
This is the way we carry our books so early in the morning!

This is the way we go to school, go school,
go to school,
This is the way we go to school so early in the morning!

miércoles, 13 de junio de 2012

lunes, 7 de mayo de 2012

The Queen comes to school!

We celebrated an English cultural week for the Book´s Day . We learnt about the Royal Family, famous buildings in London and different characters of the Art, Music, Cinema or Theatre life;for example: Doctor Who, Mr Bean, Harry Potter, Watson and Sherlock Holmes,John Lennon and Paul MC.Cartney, Willy Fox... Pupils studied their role and showed others pupils in the school. Queen comes to school!What fun!

domingo, 15 de abril de 2012

viernes, 23 de marzo de 2012

St. Patrick´s Day

On 17th March, it´s Saint Patrick´s Day. Irish people all " over the world meet" up and celebrate the day of their patron saint.There are parades with Irish music and dancing.

The shamrock is the traditional symbol of Ireland.It represents the Trinity in the Christian religion.

Green is the colour of Ireland.
On St.Patrick´s Day , people wear the colour of Ireland´s flag "green,white and orange".

Men are dressed as "a  leprechaun" , an Irish elf.
Leprechauns have a "pot of gold" at the end of the rainbow!

In the U.S.A  many firemen are Irish, they love to participate in the parades.

We celebrated Saint Patrick´s Day on 17th March,we watched videos,played games and made fans in the classroom.
We painted shamrocks on our faces! What Fun!

St .Patrick´s Day

Look at the children and celebrate St.Patrick´s Day in the school!They´re funny and great!

A Healthy Breakfast

On 16th March  we have a Healthy breakfast in the classroom.Some families come to school and prepare a breakfast for the pupils.We can see our tutor Magdalena,our teacher of English Maricruz and our families.We have a great day!